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Sunday 6 October 2024

September Sunday Cup

18h Louisiana To 2 Players Stableford

Stableford pairs competition

Shotgun start at 9.30 + 14.30.

he circuit consists of 5 competitions with the Louisiana formula in pairs stbl or single stbl.

The final ranking will be drawn up by awarding individual points to each player (from 1000 to 0, subtracting 10 points for each position) based on the net and gross pair or single ranking of the day.

The team of players may vary at each Louisiana competition.

At each competition, whoever wins the Nearest To The Pin on hole 5 will receive an additional 75 points.

The last leg will be worth the same points as the other legs +50%.

In case of a tie, the sum of the last 3 races will be taken into account, in case of a further tie the sum of the last 2 races and finally the score of the last race.

If one or more races have to be cancelled, only the scores of the disputed stages will be taken into account.

Prizes will be awarded: 1st Pair or Net Player and 1st Pair or Gross Player